Sahand LMC Sign Language Database comprises of 32 class including 24 American letters (J and Z are excluded because they are dynamic gestures) and numbers from 0 to 9 (gesture for 6 and w, also gestures for 9 and F are same). Each class of database contains 2000 samples. The database is collected by a webcam and Leap Motion Controller (LMC). The background of the images captured by webcam are relatively simple. The user was asked to move and rotate her hand around the LMC to capture different views of the hand. The database provided by LMC is in structure format.
Access Request Form for Sand LMC Sign Language Database
In order to have access to Sahand LMC Sign Language Database, it is required to get username and password. A written agreement must first be signed by (1) the recipient and (2) the research administration office director of your institution before the data can be provided. Furthermore, the data will be provided to parties who are pursuing research for non-profit use. So, please fill out and signed the request form and send the scan of it to ebrahimnezhad@sut.ac.ir. Requests will be answered and you will get a password to download to Sahand LMC Sign Language Database.
(1) You have no permission to distribute the dataset to other parties.
(2) If this data is used, in whole or in part, for any publishable work, the following paper must be referenced:
Khadijeh Mahdikhanlou, Hossein Ebrahimnezhad, "3D American Sign Language Static Alphabet and Numbers Recognition using Hand Joints and Shape Coding", Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, Vol., No., pp.